1. "Hip Hop is Dead" (omigawsh....(^*.*^) <----thats the "omigawsh" face.)
<-----yeah, thats right, a stripper dancing at a funeral. I hear this alot. All because people (Like you and me. yes, even I am to blame.) Dont support quality music like we used to, and its becoming increasingly harder for acts that actually have a message to communicate or anything of substance to get there music heard by the masses. Along with the fact the we have people making music for the sake of money, not for love of the art flooding the airwaves with music that I find to be (I dont know how you feel about this, so yeah) so fucking boring and emotionally dull to the point where I just say "fuck this" and zone out to some shit on youtube.
anyways... (C'mon, tell me that song aint the mothafuckin TRUTH...)
but seriously...
So despite when artist cant sell records, whether it being the fact the album actually sucks, your record label aint shit, or a few record leaks on bit torrent, Hip hop as a whole is dead? Seriously?
Our culture as a whole takes a spill all because you aint movin a certain amount of units?
so your tellin me.... (theoretically...)
- If Lil Wayne dont sell records, will a Cope2 piece be less dope?
- If Souljah Boi has an emotional breakdown, and ends up working at a post office and not selling ringtones (just hypothetically speaking of course) then does this...
Mean nothing to people now?
So I would make a bunch of comparisons, but I think you get the point. All because its harder to hear quality rap music due to all the fuckery being shuffled around in the music industry, doesnt mean Hip Hop as a whole is dead.
the album sucked anyway. I know its mad late, but it still sucked nonetheless.
God Bless.
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