Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Fetish Parties in Montclair? (and why wasnt i invited...)

I wish I was fucking lying to you, But it just makes me love Montclair more. I was there at town hall when some random reporter was asking the Mayor about the whole thing.

so heres the skinny.

In Montclair, they have this alternative clothing store called "Dressing for Pleasure" which specializes in all that freaky latex S&M bondage shit, and thats all fine and cool. But...they were having these "Play Parties" down in the basement of the store for about 4 years. Now, these parties involved all that interesting shit that I feel I shouldnt have to describe, on account of I know a million images involving "Fetish" and "Party" are running through your head.

Fetish + Party = Hot Damn that sounds like a good ass time. How Come yall niggas dont send me Facebook Invites for shit like this?

Shout out to Mayor Fried for keepin it Gangster.

read about the shit here....


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