Wednesday, September 16, 2009

And I say...."GOT DAMN".

(Title In reference to the scene in Pulp Fiction Where Uma Thurman does coke in the Womens Bathroom and ends up almost Overdosing later on. Might seem kinda graphic, but hey, Life isnt always rated PG-13.)


Sick as a fucking dog. Doing what I can though. Sleeping all day, Trying to upload videos on facebook, but they accuse me of Copyright Infringement every time I do so (which is fucking lame.), drinking water, and still trying to do what I do best; which is Just being a motherfucking Sensation.

Well Anyways, I got some new shit up on youtube.

Video Link Here. If your browser doesn't like youtube for some reason.

Seems like I've been Jacking every New Jay Z beat as it comes out, but I could give a rats ass. The shit is Crazy.

Click on the pic to Download "Run Montclair"

Song link here if you dont like pretty pictures...

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