Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Yeah, Finishing album. Calling it "Euthanasia Music". Trying to release it by Halloween.

Might drop a little mixtape in the meanwhile to generate a buzz of some sort.

that is all.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Alicia, Alicia...Oh how I love you so...

Girl.....If you only knew......

But on some real gangster shit. I know I havent been writing like I usually do, but Ive got my Hands wrapped up in some other sexyness, so Royal Arrogance kinda had to play the background. Dont like it? Tough Titties. Very, Hard, Bulletproof, Adamantium, Diamond Embroydered Titties. (Diamond Tits? awesome...must get very cold at times, though...)


Iv'e been on a "Fuck having a social life" streak ever since Ive been Sick. Some people left for college, some people have lifestyles to tend to, others just dont give a rats ass. So Ive been Writing my ass off. Working on a book (which I aint telling yall about till Im Done and I got the shit published.) and getting my pen game up and writing verses and songs while sharpening every facet of my craft I can. No chillin with people, no trying to get with a female, no one to go to when I need concil, because the less social you are, the less shit you have to worry about and go through. No petty beef, no emotions to get the best of people that make them say / do dumb shit, No wasted time, no Broken Promises, and no facebook/myspace/twitter mellowdrama.

Fucking Awesome.

In my "Fuck that, I'm staying home"-ness, Things became a lot more clear. I mean sure, I have fun, but sometimes It's just a big heap of "The fuck is wrong with you?" and the supplemental "How the fuck is your Fuckery, messing with me?". Shit is the story of my life.

Now dont get me wrong, Im not cynical of people. Far from it. I know perfectly that I am the people I choose to be around. If Im around people that make me say "whhhhaaaaaat the fuck" alot, then there is clearly something wrong with me, and I fortunately have the testicular fortitude to know when I am at fault.

While we are on the subject....

Im not trying to degrade females or shit like that, but this is getting crazy. Whats going on that I keep on seeing these Upstanding Citizen, Future-first-female-president, Michelle Obama, Sailor Moon, Waiting to Exhale, Virgin Mary, Teenage Girl Squad , Ladies No.1 Detective Agency, O.G. Girl Scout Females, yo? I hear stories of hoes like Mythological Folk Lore, but I never see them or associate with them ,I came close though but no cigar. They seem to slip out of captivity like a Smooth Criminal.Peanut Butter Jelly Smooth.... not smooth, but


These Hoes is "Peanut Butter Shmooooove"....yeah...


Designer Clothes, Hoes and Shows.

Makin' Shmooves that shine like grace.....

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

And I say...."GOT DAMN".

(Title In reference to the scene in Pulp Fiction Where Uma Thurman does coke in the Womens Bathroom and ends up almost Overdosing later on. Might seem kinda graphic, but hey, Life isnt always rated PG-13.)


Sick as a fucking dog. Doing what I can though. Sleeping all day, Trying to upload videos on facebook, but they accuse me of Copyright Infringement every time I do so (which is fucking lame.), drinking water, and still trying to do what I do best; which is Just being a motherfucking Sensation.

Well Anyways, I got some new shit up on youtube.

Video Link Here. If your browser doesn't like youtube for some reason.

Seems like I've been Jacking every New Jay Z beat as it comes out, but I could give a rats ass. The shit is Crazy.

Click on the pic to Download "Run Montclair"

Song link here if you dont like pretty pictures...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

New music?

I may be from Montclair, But Brooklyn goes hard.

Click on the pick to bump the new "Broken Pen-Broken" shit.

or you can be a pansy, and click here, and not click on the picture.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

New Images and possible New Muthafuckin' BANNER

Cuz I need a new banner.

This Image Editing shit is fun as hell.

tell me which one you think is doper. All of them done by me.

1-"the spread"

2-"the profile"

3-"the splash"

4-"the glance"

5-"a bit more of a vibrant splash"

6-"blue for no reason"

7- "the frame and phrase"
(more money on the table, and phazers set to KILL.)

9-"splash in the borders"

These are all rough as fuck (obviously) but I still need a new banner.
tell me which one you like best.


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Men and Women, according to Broken Pen

Yeah, sorry for the lack of activity since the Mulher Melancia entry. Been goin through a lil slump, Fuck that. No Excuses cuz thats just how the fuck we roll.

And since Im bored as fuck, I want to see if i have the discipline to write something somewhat inciteful and somewhat thought provoking, so I decided to take a swipe at a somewhat sacred cow...

"The Difference between Men and Women"
(Which isnt as complex as people make it out to be.)

So Basically, here is what the big difference is .....
(If you get offended, then turn off your computer, and fly a kite, sissy.)

Men Dont Give a fuck / Women Give too much of a fuck.

now let me dig into this deeper. Since I'm a gentleman, Ladies First.


When "Giving too much of a Fuck" is super cool-
The way I see it, any self respecting woman has to be a thinker to navigate the crazy shit that goes on with them in order upstanding woman and not just some wayward dame. Now many cool things can come from all the Insight and Perception that comes from all the emotional shit that women have flying around in there heads. They can use all that Insight, Perception, Emotional, Intuitive, Psychic, Waiting to Exhale, Sailor Moon, shit to make the impossible happen. whether it be making you feel like a million bucks when you broke as fuck, Inspiring you do to some shit, the potential to be completely logically off point in an argument/dispute, and damn near winning everytime, to giving birth to a another human being.

That is when "Giving too much of a Fuck" is super cool...
..But here is when it gets sour....
  • All that thinking, feeling, perceiving, emotional intuitive shit can trip you up if youre not careful and make you look like an asshole on many dimensions. Sometimes, its not what you think or feel, its about what you know and can prove.
  • Sometimes yall can get reeeeeeaaaallly weird with all that critical shit yall are on. You guys can be too critical of people, ESPECIALLY yourselves. One main example of how yall can be so critical of yourselves is when it comes to romance / how you feel about your physical appearence. So quit with all that superficial shit and realize how beautiful you are, damnit
  • All that Gossiping/Soap Opera /Intrigue/ Lies / He said She Said shit yall get yourselves and other motherfuckers wrapped up in. That shit is not cute, Sweetheart.
  • Yall can take Hatred and Animosity to a whole new level. I actually find that shit amusing due to how funny if your hate/animosity has some wit and humor to it, and not just a catty-ass rant about "why that bitch aint shit".
Now for the Men....

When "Not giving a Fuck" is the way to go-
Sometimes, all that Emotional shit can get too messy and too complicated. Sometimes all that crazy complex shit just makes things too complex and you need to just say "Fuck it", and see how fast shit un-tangles itself. This is what I think the code is for Men, "Fuck this weird, complex shit. We gonna make a system to define and regulate it, but at the end of the day FUCK THIS SHIT! I AINT BEAT FOR THIS SHIT, SON!!!" With that, Men have created tons of systems, rules, regulations, rituals, games and other shit to make short work out of something, gain an understanding for what would seem to be the un-understandable, and make life less complex than it has to be.

then this is where shit gets real.
  • Alot of Men arent in in touch with there emotions due to the whole "I dont give a fuck" shit theyre on, so whether they know it or not feelings pile up over time because there is no such thing as an "unemotional" person, if you think someone is unemotional, than thats just a fascade, FUCK THAT SHIT. So with that illusion of security alot of men have about themselves, they do alot of dumb shit to themselve and other people to compensate for what they know they dont have and feel better about themselves. The range of self destructive fuckery can be treating women as objects because on some level theyre afraid of women, to getting into fights with people if someone calls them "gay" because he knows in the back of his mind, he looks at the movie baby boy and says "Yo, Jody looks mad succulent, no homo." So yeah, dudes need to come to terms with who they are and quit being insecure Divas.
thats about it.

take it and run with it.


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

"The Truth" Vol. 1

"The Truth" is dedicated to women I think, fuck it, I KNOW are "THE MOTHAFUCKIN TROOOF" *girl so fine, had to misspell a word.

This Installment is dedicated to Andressa Soares aka "Mulher Melancia" (translates into Watermelon Woman for cats who aren't on there Portuguese.) Brazilian Sex Icon and perhaps the incarnation of everything that would make a man from any walk of life stop whatever he's doing and say "........oh my...."

Ms. Melancia...

you are...


this one too...

and this one, just in case you think Im on some bullshit. dont ever say I never did yall niggas favors...

See you next time on "The Truth"
