Saturday, October 24, 2009

Its been a while...

But Ive been working. Things finally seem to be on the up and up, But Ive been working like a dog nonetheless. Any Correlation? who gives a fuck?

Anyway, Euthanasia Music is almost done and Im having a wonderful time setting up for the release, aside from waiting for certain collaborators to record what they have to, everything on my end has been honkey-dorey.

Photo Shoots, Story board editing for a crazy music video (for the song you can listen to by clicking HERE.) , talking about independent labels, working with people that don't rap and a bunch of other events / happenings make for a very dope way for me to end October.

I wont say who I got beats by (other than myself, and I find I like the idea of me not making a beat for me or someone else to rhyme on and actually have producers come to me and be like "wanna fuck with this?") or who Im rapping with. I wont say how many tracks there are going to be. All I can say is that (im not bullshiting) Im going to have 2 free mixtapes up during the week to promote Euthanasia Music along with the video which My collegue and I will be shooting for throughout the week.

So all that shit talking about Euthanasia, and how it relates to my music and my life will come later. So just soak all this shit in and let is resonate within your infinate being, sissy.

Royal Arrogance
Puntin' Kittens and Murkin Sangria since a few Months ago....


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I do not care how you feel, bitch.

But hey, if i was a rich nigga, i wouldnt have Broken Pen problems, Id have rich nigga problems. might as well be happy where I stand right?

Im sorry I dont update on a consistent basis, but when your trying to promote, record music, mix down music, write music, interact with other people (who are probobly flakey and un-reliable, and use there dumb shit to obscure what youre trying to do) look for a paying job, and handle various other loose ends with no one else really helping me like that, certain shit takes a back seat while certain shit rides shot gun, feel me?

With that said, If anyone feels they have something to contribute to Royal Arrogance, then get in contact with me and we can do some damage. Cuz with all the shit I'm doing, I need as much help as I can get. Not criticism or opinions on what I should do, but actuall work being put in. Stop talking and get your fucking hands dirty, fucking divas.


I find as time goes on, I really dont give a fuck. If people say something about my music or anything I do, I dont even think about what they said, I think about who they are to say whatever the fuck they say. It seems like most if not all people cant be truely satisfied with something or just let it be what it is. People automatically see something and put themselves on a little soap box to voice what they got to say, which I find rarely is a truely objective and logical criticism and is more of an emotional brainfart people spew out to make them feel that much more important over that they are talking about.

lemme throw an example out there, just to show you what Im talking about.

Now, lets have 3 people talk about Religion. Same subject, 3 different views which idicate where each indivual stands on the subject, and most important of all, what interest/benifit they get in dealing with the subject.

Person 1 - "Religion is bullshit! There is no god!! If there was a god, why do we have suffering on this earth and why are so many fucked up things happening? how can thieves eat like kings and sleep like babies, while people like you and me eat like peasants? Fuck God!"

this bastard right here is the more logical, by the book, analytical innocent idealist who believes in truth, justice and the american way. Probobly had a few bad brushes with religion in the past to make him feel some animosity, and to justify his / her current view along with their increased need to have logical, moral, ethical and just things going on because that is what they feel is right for themselves and everyone else. The moment something they feel is wrong or flawed in what they feel is a complete Ideal, then automaticaly the whole thing is fucked up.

god bless these guys. theyre funny to look at.

Person 2 - "God is great! I love my faith, I have faith that the lord works in different ways and i am confident in his plan, and I feel sorry for anyone who doesnt beleive in god, or who doesnt beleive in god the same way I do! Amen!"

Yeah, you guessed it. they God freak. The opposite of person 1. Due to all the ultra rad and neato keen history and repor they have with Matters with Religion, no matter how logic / rationalism they want to use to explain / justify why the fuck theyre so C-C-C-Cuh Ray Zee for Religion, they really dont have to, they just gotta feel all that good stuff that religion talks about, and by the time you feel all good and shit, do you really have to write a fucking dissertation about why you fell so blessed? the fuck out of here.


These motherfuckers can be some dumb bastards. Dumb, Ignorant , Elitist bastards that use Religion and other outer worldly / metaphysical shit to justify there fucked up earthly materialistic shit. This type of shit gives peope like Person 1 all the ammo they need for them to not like person 2. Hell, I dont even like these niggas....ewwwww.

Person 3 - "Listen, I been through some shit, learned alot, seen fucked up shit, and some great happy go lucky shit. I understand everything has its place. I dont know that much, but I know alot of shit.

These guys are more likely to see the whole picture and realize how futile alot of shit humans do in the grand scheme of things. Sure, these guys are kind weird and out of place, but shit actually makes sence if you listen to them.

So with that said, If it dont make sence, dont waste my time.

And remember, if you wanna write for royal arrogance, holla.

I would write a better conclusion, but im tired of writing somewhat inciteful shit and I want to do something interesting.


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Truth vol.2

Hello there. welcome to another installment of "The Truth". This is where I take women I find are "The truth" and write about them and all that dumb shit.

you ready? muthafucka, IS YOU READY?

bitch, IS YOU READY?



ok, this time, I had to dig within the depths of my mind to hit you guys off with something Proper, cuz you know if anything, I got good taste.

So did I bust out T-dot's finest "Badriya Moon"

you bet your ass I did, Sissy.

Born In Nigeria, raised in the T-dot (thats Toronto for all you un-cool kids that arent up on the slang) Ms. Moon Kills the game in all aspects and spares none when it comes down to modeling.

If you wanna read an article I dug up with Ms. Moon talking about her life and what she wants to do, Click here.

want Eye candy? who doesnt?


Ok, one more. I think Im killing you guys too hard with these pics.

I'm done. It's a wrap.

Till next time.


Sunday, October 4, 2009

Free Floating Ignorance

this joint is called "Free Floating Ignorance".Off the Official "Royal Arrogance Mixtape" to promote the upcoming album, Euthanasia Music.

Possibly the most lyrical, yet belligerent shit ive done to date.

Click Here, if you dont like the picture.

Download, have a listen. leave feed back, and feel good about life.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


My thoughts on the battle before I copy and paste them:

Its was dope, im not gonna lie. I had fun and did what I had to do and the other dude did what he had to do (shouts of to Spazz.) Im not going into a whole back story, or talk about all the shit that followed, cuz there was a small isolated incident with a few of the people I fucks with that broke out after the battle, but its whatever now, Shit happend 2 months ago so fuck it.

so I present to you, Ignorance.

Yeah. Soak that shit in.

I have music to make.