Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Weed - Thoughts and Alternatives

Yeah, You already know what the business is. Chances are, If youre reading this entry, than youve probobly done it before. Shit, If you subscribe to this blog or read anything I write, then chances are youre smokin on some decent shit. Im not saying I write blog entries while I'm baked, but half the shit I talk about is pretty left-field, So if you gotta smoke on something or sip on something before you peep my darts, I wont hold it against you.

So now that your all doped up, time to Drop some thoughts on that "Good Good" (If you smokin on that "....ok..." and not that "Good Good" then either re-evaluate your connects, or stop being a cheap-ass.)

Now, Im not talking about its medicinal properties, histories, different strands, how great it is, or even if I smoke the shit. Fuck all that. Im just droppin some darts about what I think about its consumption and how society should deal with it.

Consumption - Ive seen people get on some trife shit over trees. Like, serious fiend moves. Now My thing is, at the end of the day, It's an "Indulgence". An Indulgence is some shit thats nice to have, it feels great as fuck but you seriously dont need the shit in your life. So I try not to stress, cuz cats come through with some shit product sometimes. Shit could be shake, it could be laced, the plants could have mold and a handful of other shit can go down. So hey, Engaging in a Vice/Indulgence at the risk of a handful of fucked up things happen to me? Fuck it, let the chips fall where they may. Treachery is the only student that studies Treachery, so it is what it is.

If you dont get the last line, smoke up, then re-read it. Im not saying Im on some stoner wisdom shit, but some "Good Good" can help you comprehend my Intellectual Gangsterness. If you smokin that ", ok....", then I might have you scratchin your head somethin lovely.

So now speakin of fucked up shit, I want to talk about how I feel the legal side of weed should go.

Q - Hey Broken Pen, Should weed be legal?
A - Hells no.


Nigga....yeah, I said it.

Yeah, can you Imagine going to K-mart to pick up some Afgan? or not being able to decide between Kush or Purp, but some over priced fancy shit, or some run of the mill, discount storebrand shit? Can you even Imagine going to pathmark and seeing a dub? or worse yet, would you rather Support your boy on the corner, or would you rather support a bunch of dudes in suites who make more money in one day than you ever seen in your life, on some Corporate Gangster / Playing Chess with Peoples lives?

But I dont think people should have entire stake outs done on them all cuz they have alot of weed on them. Like the fuck is really good with doin 3+years and a bunch of other fucked up shit goin on even for possession? shit, In Indonesia? READ THIS SHIT.

Real motherfuckin G.


I propose that Trees are about as illegal as a Illegal parking. Yeah, really not that severe. Like you know how Jaywalking is technically illegal, but in most areas, you can do that shit in front of cops? Yeah, like that. So since its illegal, corporations can't back it up, but not to the point where you can have your life fucked up if youre caught with a few nicks on you.

soak that shit in.

Royal Arrogance massive.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Gettin Technical on yall un-civilized muttasuckas.....

My Nigga, Moshadee got a tape out that I mastered (Yeah, I actually "Mastered" a mixtape. got all technical and shit!) I produced 1 joint on there called "Go Dumb" which should have a video shot for it sometime soon, but otherwise its still fly.

Monday, April 19, 2010

On Muses

Every writer or artist, no matter how prolific comes to the same point. Drained, empty, tapped out back to the drawing board. Looking for answers, questions to ask, ideas, something fresh. Originality would be a godsend. We all know that no idea’s original, there’s nothing new under the sun, it’s never what you do but how it’s done. I quote Nas (the rapper), but he probably got that from someone else (cue ironic laughter). I digress. So at our proverbial rock bottom (comes to me faster than it should) what do we do? I read somewhere that all of the good stories are waiting to be told, somewhere in a newspaper, or in the anecdote of a stranger. It seems we writers are leeches, piecemeal sculptors, petty thieves, beavers gathering wood for our dam. But back to the title. I’ve been burnt out frequently, questioning my own skills and I read a story on the muse Calliope, an immortal woman whom humans use to inspire epic poetry. I later found out about her sisters, who could also be used to inspire different artistic styles and traditions. The Greeks loved this deus ex machina, rabbit from the hat shtick. The prize that falls from heaven into your lap. It got me thinking, what if I had my own muse for writing? A living, breathing, impetus for my pen. I hear photographers get them all the time. If I should be so lucky to find an angel like that to adore and renew my mind, motivate and arouse me, one to actually talk and latch onto, I’d be the happiest man on the planet. What if these muses were out there somewhere, waiting to be used? I doubt they’d be waiting on Facebook, Craigslist or Google (search), or in some bar or coffee house. So I’ll suggest something: instead of a flesh and blood muse or a more impersonal one in book film or audio form, how about simple immersion? Immerse yourself in a feeling, an emotion, an atmosphere. My best writings have always been inspired by an organic source, something real in my life. If you want to write about your past, surround yourself with nostalgia. If its love you seek to manufacture, be around lovers, find a flame, rekindle your romance and so on. This idea is painfully obvious, but maybe the environment to produce the idea is difficult to come by. I’m going to go finish something about death and werewolves by sitting in my dilapidated attic and talking walks to stare at the moon, waiting for something to pop up, at least until my muse shows up, in whatever flesh blood container it chooses (human or otherwise). Remember, atmosphere!

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Truth Vol.3

Now I know its been a while since I've done this, but I feel I need to put yall up on game to some FUTURISTIC shit. Now Im going on a limb with this one. Im putting together 2 words alot of dudes "WISH" would be together to describe someone. alas, I believe I might've struck gold with this one...

"Thick" and "Asian".
yeah, I said it.

You think Im bullshitting?
I pulled up a few pictures, just to show you guys Im playing no games

Her name is "Annie Thao"


a few more.

shit is critical.

a couple more...

ok, 2 more. Im having too much fun.

ok. last one, and Im out of here like last Christmas.

for all you Smart Dumb asses out there...


Friday, April 9, 2010

Broken Pen x Paranormal


Part 1.

Part 2.

Promo Overtime
