Friday, March 19, 2010

Broken pen needs YOU.

You know it like a poet, baby doll.

I need some shit. Heres a list I've composed of some things I need to have taken care of in order to fully manifest my gangsterness.

ok, here it is mama.

  • More people besides myself to write for Royal Arrogance. Its nothing really, just post up some fly shit and make people say "hot damn, these royal arrogance cats is HEAVY.
  • get a dot com. I got the money to take care of that, so yall good.
  • get more followers.
  • get a list of people who can do certain things for free. whether it be graphic design, recording videos or volunteer their girlfriend for a amateur mud wrestling league Im trying to start up.
  • finish recording this fucking music.
So thats about it. I need some people who are down to get Belligerent in a Sophisticated fashion.

hit up the
the official royal arrogance I never update, but I still have
the myspace page I put my music up on. You should listen to my music. My music is AMAZING.

and lets connect, politic, DITTO.
incarcerated scarfaces.

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